Missouri State Government


In collaboration with PolitiFact and the Columbia Missourian, I worked on a 12-person team of reporters to fact check claims made by Missouri politicians. As part of this process, I researched and interviewed expert sources to verify these politicians' claims. I, along with my team, collected Missouri Gov. Greitens' primary campaign promises and wrote the initial status reports on these promises for Missouri's first-ever PolitiFact Truth-O-Meter: the Greitens Gauge. Three other reporters and I attended the regional Society of Professional Journalists conference to speak about our work (pictured above with our editor: far right).
October 28, 2018
FACT CHECK: Hartzler's comment about crash deaths correct but lacks context
Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler, R-Mo., issued a press release on Sept. 8, in which she connected a lack of military investment to issues in military readiness and accidents for service members. She said, "The 42 soliders killed in crashes this summer exceeds the number of soldiers killed in the Afghanistan conflict."
Colorado Community Media
September 5, 2018
All-female team leads Cherry Creek Theatre
The managers of Cherry Creek Theatre (CCT) have made an unprecedented move in the company's history- some say in the history of all Denver's theater community: They have hired an all-female team of directors for the upcoming 2019 season.
June 25, 201
Thornton checking up on marijuana licenses
Renewal requirements for Thornton's marijuana-selling establishments could get stiffer under a plan City Councilors are reviewing.
July 2, 2018
Thornton mulls spreading out water rate increase
A planned six percent rate hike for Thornton water customers may get spread out over two years, according to a plan being considered by city councilors.
July 17, 2018
Spread of ash tree-killing insect deemed unavoidable
The green beetle blamed for killing thousands of ash trees continues to spread south, most recently to the town of Superior. This marks the fifth Front Range community the Emerald Ash Borer has infilatrated in five years.
September 6, 2018
Mayor, State Representative candidate spar at meeting
Westminster Mayor Herb Atchison warmed up his State of the City address a few days early, meeting with a small group of city residents Aug. 21 at Legacy Ridge Gold Course to give them insight on city affairs.
July 31, 2018
State politicians debunk partisan myth
Amid what many United States citizens have been characterizing as a highly partisan and divisive time, the Westminster Chamber of Commerce and Colorado Women's Alliance tried to change the conversation- at least inColorado.
June 18, 2018
No coincidences for colorful, sweaty, crazy German bicycling from coast-to-coast
Tall, lanky and bald, dressed in a neon orange cycling outfit and bright purple glasses, Jörg Richter walked out of Adams County Fire Rescue Station 14 in flip-flops- and immediately started poking fun at himself.